JioJioMe (JCASH)

coins 35 tokens   tokens 7 $
The JCASH project is about creating an ecosystem of services that use and drive the demand for the token, providing enough revenue for the network to operate at no cost to the user, and ultimately generating enough revenue to share with our token holders.


  1. Join Telegram
  2. Download the ‘JioJioMe’ application from Apple store or Google Play depending on which device you own. Please ensure you join the other social media tasks through the application, so you receive the appropriate JCASH tokens
  3. Open the JioJioMe application once it has been downloaded, you can either register via your email but you will be required to complete the mini KYC process (5 JCASH Tokens) The other option is registering via Facebook or Line
  4. Once you have created an account, go to ‘Promo’ from the drop-down list and enter JCASH20 (20 JCASH Tokens)
  5. Use the referral code J57584907834 (Additional 10 JCASH Tokens)

Required tools


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